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The following esametric resources are ordered alphabetically, stratified by category. Note that some items are listed multiple times.
- Barnett I, Torous J, Staples P, Keshavan M, Onnela JP. Beyond smartphones and sensors: Choosing appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018 Dec;25(12):1669-74.
- Catellier DJ, Hannan PJ, Murray DM, Addy CL, Conway TL, Yang S, Rice JC. Imputation of missing data when measuring physical activity by accelerometry. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2005 Nov;37(11 Suppl):S555.
- Rowe DA, Mahar MT, Raedeke TD, Lore J. Measuring physical activity in children with pedometers: Reliability, reactivity, and replacement of missing data. Pediatric Exercise Science. 2004 Nov 1;16(4):343-54.….pdf
This section covers Aggregated N-of-1, Intensive Longitudinal Data, Meta-analysis, Mixed-Effects Models, Random-Effects Models, Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, Multilevel Time Series, Series-of-n-of-1.
- Analyzing Intensive Longitudinal Data
- Ward P. Mixed Models in Sport Science – Frequentist & Bayesian. Optimum Sports Performance. 22 Jul 11.
- Araujo A, Julious S, Senn S. Understanding variation in sets of N-of-1 trials. PLoS One. 2016;11(12).
- Barnett I, Torous J, Staples P, Keshavan M, Onnela JP. Beyond smartphones and sensors: Choosing appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018 Dec;25(12):1669-74.
- Bauer SR, Breyer BN, Oni-Orisan A, Steinman MA, Sim I, McCulloch CE, Kenfield SA. PERSONAL: Feasibility Study Protocol for Placebo-Controlled, Randomized n-of-1 Trials of Tamsulosin for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Frontiers in Digital Health. 2020 Jun 26;2:7.
- Beltz AM, Wright AG, Sprague BN, Molenaar PC. Bridging the nomothetic and idiographic approaches to the analysis of clinical data. Assessment. 2016 Aug;23(4):447-58.
- Bergman LR. The interpretation of single individuals’ measurements. Journal for Person-Oriented Research. 2017;3(1):119.
- Blackston JW, Chapple AG, McGree JM, McDonald S, Nikles J. Comparison of aggregated N-of-1 trials with parallel and crossover randomized controlled trials using simulation studies. Healthcare 2019 Dec (Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 137). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
- Chen X, Chen P. A comparison of four methods for the analysis of N-of-1 trials. PloS one. 2014 Feb 4;9(2):e87752.
- de Vries RM, Morey RD. Bayesian hypothesis testing for single-subject designs. Psychological methods. 2013 Jun;18(2):165.
- Declercq L, Cools W, Beretvas SN, Moeyaert M, Ferron JM, Van den Noortgate W. MultiSCED: A tool for (meta-) analyzing single-case experimental data with multilevel modeling. Behavior research methods. 2020 Feb;52(1):177-92.
- Declercq L, Jamshidi L, Fernández-Castilla B, Beretvas SN, Moeyaert M, Ferron JM, Van den Noortgate W. Analysis of single-case experimental count data using the linear mixed effects model: A simulation study. Behavior Research Methods. 2019 Dec;51(6):2477-97.
- Fok CC, Ramsay JO. Fitting curves with periodic and nonperiodic trends and their interactions with intensive longitudinal data. Models for intensive longitudinal data. 2006 Jan 19:109-23.
- Gates KM, Chow SM, Molenaar PCM. Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Human Processes. Chapan and Hall/CRC; 2022 Dec 7.
- Gärtner T, Schneider J, Arnrich B, Konigorski S. Comparison of Bayesian Networks, G-estimation and linear models to estimate causal treatment effects in aggregated N-of-1 trials with carry-over effects. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2023 Aug 21;23(1):191.
- Goldstein H, Healy MJ, Rasbash J. Multilevel time series models with applications to repeated measures data. Statistics in medicine. 1994 Aug 30;13(16):1643-55.
- Golino H, Christensen AP, Nesselroade JR. Towards a psychology of individuals: the ergodicity information index and a bottom-up approach for finding generalizations 2022. doi:10.31234/
- Grekov P, Pustejovsky JE, Klingbeil DA. Flexible distributional models for meta-analysis of reading fluency outcomes from single-case designs: An examination using Bayesian methods.
- Hendrickson RC, Thomas RG, Schork N, Raskind MA. Optimizing aggregated N-of-1 trial designs for predictive biomarker validation: statistical methods and theoretical findings. Frontiers in Digital Health. 2020;2:13.
- Hyndman RJ, Athanasopoulos G, Shang HL. hts: An R Package for Forecasting Hierarchical or Grouped Time Series. R Package 2015.
- Kratochwill TR, Levin JR. Meta-and statistical analysis of single-case intervention research data: Quantitative gifts and a wish list. Journal of School Psychology. 2014 Apr 1;52(2):231-5.
- Li H. Model selection of GLMMs in the analysis of count data in single-case studies: A Monte Carlo simulation. Behavior Research Methods. 2024 Jul 10:1-22.
- Li H, Luo W, Baek E. Multilevel modeling in single-case studies with zero-inflated and overdispersed count data. Behavior Research Methods. 2024 Feb 21:1-7.
- Li R, Root TL, Shiffman S. A local linear estimation procedure for functional multilevel modeling. Models for intensive longitudinal data. 2006 Jan 19:63-83.
- Moeyaert M, Yang P, Xue Y, Lou Y. Imbalances in Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Modeling of Single-Case Data: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study. The Journal of Experimental Education. 2024 Aug 20:1-21.
- Porcino AJ, Shamseer L, Chan AW, Kravitz RL, Orkin A, Punja S, Ravaud P, Schmid CH, Vohra S. Spirit extension and elaboration for n-of-1 trials: spent 2019 checklist. bmj. 2020 Feb 27;368.
- Qian T, Klasnja P, Murphy SA. Linear mixed models with endogenous covariates: modeling sequential treatment effects with application to a mobile health study. Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 2020;35(3):375.
- Ridenour TA, Chen SH, Liu HY, Bobashev GV, Hill K, Cooper R. The clinical trials mosaic: toward a range of clinical trials designs to optimize evidence-based treatment. Journal for Person-Oriented Research. 2017;3(1):28-48.
- Ridenour TA, Wittenborn AK, Raiff BR, Benedict N, Kane-Gill S. Illustrating idiographic methods for translation research: moderation effects, natural clinical experiments, and complex treatment-by-subgroup interactions. Translational behavioral medicine. 2016 Mar 1;6(1):125-34.
- Shrestha S, Jain S. A Bayesian‐bandit adaptive design for N‐of‐1 clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine. 2021 Mar 30;40(7):1825-44.
- Stunnenberg BC, Woertman W, Raaphorst J, Statland JM, Griggs RC, Timmermans J, Saris CG, Schouwenberg BJ, Groenewoud HM, Stegeman DF, van Engelen BG. Combined N-of-1 trials to investigate mexiletine in non-dystrophic myotonia using a Bayesian approach; study rationale and protocol. BMC neurology. 2015 Dec;15(1):1-0.
- Sung L, Tomlinson GA, Greenberg ML, Koren G, Judd P, Ota S, Feldman BM. Serial controlled N-of-1 trials of topical vitamin E as prophylaxis for chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in paediatric patients. European Journal of Cancer. 2007 May 1;43(8):1269-75.
- Tan X, Shiyko MP, Li R, Li Y, Dierker L. A time-varying effect model for intensive longitudinal data. Psychological methods. 2012 Mar;17(1):61.
- Timms KP, Martín CA, Rivera DE, Hekler EB, Riley W. Leveraging intensive longitudinal data to better understand health behaviors. In2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2014 Aug 26 (pp. 6888-6891). IEEE.
- Van den Noortgate W, Onghena P. Combining single-case experimental data using hierarchical linear models. School Psychology Quarterly. 2003;18(3):325.
- Walls TA, Schafer JL. Models for intensive longitudinal data. Oxford University Press; 2006 Jan 19.
- Zucker DR, Schmid CH, McIntosh MW, D’agostino RB, Selker HP, Lau J. Combining single patient (N-of-1) trials to estimate population treatment effects and to evaluate individual patient responses to treatment. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 1997 Apr 1;50(4):401-10.
- Zucker DR, Ruthazer R, Schmid CH. Individual (N-of-1) trials can be combined to give population comparative treatment effect estimates: Methodologic considerations. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2010 Dec 1;63(12):1312-23.
- Daza EJ, Wac K, Oppezzo M. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Blood Glucose, Food Cravings, and Affect in a Non-Diabetic: An N-of-1 Randomized Pilot Study. Healthcare 2020 Mar (Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 6). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
- DeLoatche KJ. Parent-child interaction therapy as a treatment for ADHD in early childhood: A multiple baseline single-case design. University of South Florida; 2015.
- Dickerson E. Computerized Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CCRT): Investigating Change in the Psychosocial and Cognitive Function of Adolescent Psychiatric Patients. Northeastern University; 2016.
- Lutz M. N-of-1 Trials and Analyzing Your Own Fitness Data: Do I really sleep worse after drinking alcohol? Towards Data Science. 2024 Apr 19.
- Matias I, Daza EJ, Wac K. What possibly affects nighttime heart rate? Conclusions from N-of-1 observational data. Digital Health. 2022 Aug 24.
- Ward P. Mixed Models in Sport Science – Frequentist & Bayesian. Optimum Sports Performance. 22 Jul 11.
- Batley PN, Hedges LV. Accurate models vs. accurate estimates: A simulation study of Bayesian single-case experimental designs. Behavior Research Methods. 2021 Feb 11:1-7.
- Colopy GW, Roberts SJ, Clifton DA. Bayesian optimization of personalized models for patient vital-sign monitoring. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics. 2017 Dec 19;22(2):301-10.
- Colopy GW, Roberts SJ, Clifton DA. Gaussian processes for personalized interpretable volatility metrics in the step-down ward. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics. 2019 Jan 22;23(3):949-59.
- Gärtner T, Schneider J, Arnrich B, Konigorski S. Comparison of Bayesian Networks, G-estimation and linear models to estimate causal treatment effects in aggregated N-of-1 trials with carry-over effects. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2023 Aug 21;23(1):191.
- Grekov P, Pustejovsky JE, Klingbeil DA. Flexible distributional models for meta-analysis of reading fluency outcomes from single-case designs: An examination using Bayesian methods.
- Lum K, Dunson DB, Johndrow J. Closer than they appear: A Bayesian perspective on individual-level heterogeneity in risk assessment. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01135. 2021 Feb 1.
- Natesan P, Hedges LV. Bayesian unknown change-point models to investigate immediacy in single case designs. Psychological Methods. 2017 Dec;22(4):743. (pdf)
- Natesan Batley P, Shukla Mehta S, Hitchcock JH. A Bayesian rate ratio effect size to quantify intervention effects for count data in single case experimental research. Behavioral Disorders. 2020 Jun 19:0198742920930704. (pdf)
- Pascual C, Diaz K, Jain S. Multivariate variable selection in N-of-1 observational studies via additive Bayesian networks. Plos one. 2024 Aug 26;19(8):e0305225.
- Senarathne SG, Overstall AM, McGree JM. Bayesian adaptive N‐of‐1 trials for estimating population and individual treatment effects. Statistics in Medicine. 2020 Dec 20;39(29):4499-518.
- Shrestha S, Jain S. A Bayesian‐bandit adaptive design for N‐of‐1 clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine. 2021 Mar 30;40(7):1825-44.
- Stunnenberg BC, Woertman W, Raaphorst J, Statland JM, Griggs RC, Timmermans J, Saris CG, Schouwenberg BJ, Groenewoud HM, Stegeman DF, van Engelen BG. Combined N-of-1 trials to investigate mexiletine in non-dystrophic myotonia using a Bayesian approach; study rationale and protocol. BMC neurology. 2015 Dec;15(1):1-0.
- Sung L, Tomlinson GA, Greenberg ML, Koren G, Judd P, Ota S, Feldman BM. Serial controlled N-of-1 trials of topical vitamin E as prophylaxis for chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in paediatric patients. European Journal of Cancer. 2007 May 1;43(8):1269-75.
- Zhu T, Colopy GW, Pugh CW, Clifton DA. Personalised patient monitoring in haemodialysis using hierarchical Gaussian processes. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- Anjum RL, Copeland S, Rocca E. Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient: A CauseHealth Resource for Healthcare Professionals and the Clinical Encounter. Springer Nature. 2020.
- Balandat M. New tools for econometric analysis of high-frequency time series data-application to demand-side management in electricity markets. University of California, Berkeley; 2016.
- Bojinov I, Rambachan A, Shephard N. Panel experiments and dynamic causal effects: A finite population perspective. Quantitative Economics. 2021 Nov;12(4):1171-96.
- Bojinov I, Shephard N. Time series experiments and causal estimands: exact randomization tests and trading. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2019 Oct 2;114(528):1665-82.
- Bojinov I, Simchi-Levi D, Zhao J. Design and analysis of switchback experiments. Management Science. 2023 Jul;69(7):3759-77.
- Cai X, Zeng L, Fowler C, Dixon L, Ongur D, Baker JT, Onnela JP, Valeri L. Causal estimands and identification of time-varying effects in non-stationary time series from N-of-1 mobile device data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.17666. 2024 Jul 24.
- Cook TD, Campbell DT, Shadish W. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin; 2002.
- Daza EJ. Person as Population: A Longitudinal View of Single-Subject Causal Inference for Analyzing Self-Tracked Health Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03423. 2019 Jan 10.
- Daza EJ. Causal analysis of self-tracked time series data using a counterfactual framework for N-of-1 trials. Methods of information in medicine. 2018 Feb;57(Suppl 1):e10.
- LaTeX pre-print (identical content) here
- Daza EJ, inventor; Evidation Health Inc, assignee. Methods and systems for generating personalized treatments via causal inference. United States patent application US 18/365,899. 2024 Feb 8.
- Daza EJ, Matias I, Schneider L. Model-Twin Randomization (MoTR) for Estimating One’s Own Recurring Individual Treatment Effect. Statistics in Medicine. 2024 Oct 1 under review. (2-min explainer video here)
- Eichler M. Causal inference in time series analysis. Causality: Statistical perspectives and applications. 2012 Jul 13:327-54.
- Gärtner T, Schneider J, Arnrich B, Konigorski S. Comparison of Bayesian Networks, G-estimation and linear models to estimate causal treatment effects in aggregated N-of-1 trials with carry-over effects. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2023 Aug 21;23(1):191.
- Hall GJ, Putzeys S, Kratochwill TR, Levin JR. Discovering Internal Validity Threats and Operational Concerns in Single-Case Experimental Designs Through Directed Acyclic Graphs. Educational Psychology Review. 2024 Dec;36(4):128.
- Han K, Basse G, Bojinov I. Population interference in panel experiments. Journal of Econometrics. 2024 Jan 1;238(1):105565.
- Izem R, McCarter R. Randomized and non-randomized designs for causal inference with longitudinal data in rare disorders. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2021 Dec;16:1-9.
- Krajewski T, Hudgens M. The augmented synthetic control method in public health and biomedical research. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2024 Feb 6:09622802231224638.
- Langenberg B, Wurpts IC, Geuke GG, Onghena P. Estimating and Testing Causal Mediation Effects in Single-Case Experimental Designs Using State-Space Modeling. Evaluation & the Health Professions. 2022:01632787211067533.
- Liang T, Recht B. Randomization inference when n equals one. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.16989. 2023 Oct 25.
- Linden A. A matching framework to improve causal inference in interrupted time‐series analysis. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2018 Apr;24(2):408-15.
- MacKinnon DP, Smyth HL, Somers J, Ho E, Norget J, Miočević M. A randomization permutation test for single subject mediation. Evaluation & the health professions. 2022 Mar;45(1):54-65.
- Mahoney J. Strategies of causal inference in small-N analysis. Sociological methods & research. 2000 May;28(4):387-424.
- Mahoney J. Toward a unified theory of causality. Comparative Political Studies. 2008 Apr;41(4-5):412-36.
- Malenica I, Bibaut A, van der Laan MJ. Adaptive Sequential Design for a Single Time-Series. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.00102. 2021 Jan 29.
- Matias I, Daza EJ, Wac K. What possibly affects nighttime heart rate? Conclusions from N-of-1 observational data. Digital Health. 2022 Aug 24.
- Menchetti F, Cipollini F, Mealli F. Combining counterfactual outcomes and ARIMA models for policy evaluation. The Econometrics Journal. 2023 Jan;26(1):1-24.
- R package:
- Nagesh N, Azimi I, Andriola T, Rahmani AM, Jain R. Towards Deep Personal Lifestyle Models Using Multimodal N-of-1 Data. InInternational Conference on Multimedia Modeling 2023 Jan 9 (pp. 589-600). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Neto EC, Bot BM, Perumal T, Omberg L, Guinney J, Kellen M, Klein A, Friend SH, Trister AD. Personalized hypothesis tests for detecting medication response in Parkinson disease patients using iPhone Sensor data. InBiocomputing 2016: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium 2016 (pp. 273-284).
- Neto EC, Prentice RL, Bot BM, Kellen M, Friend SH, Trister AD, Omberg L, Mangravite L. Towards personalized causal inference of medication response in mobile health: an instrumental variable approach for randomized trials with imperfect compliance. arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.01055. 2016 Apr 4.
- Neto EC, Tummalacherla M, Mangravite L, Omberg L. Causality-based tests to detect the influence of confounders on mobile health diagnostic applications: a comparison with restricted permutations. arXiv. 2019 Nov:arXiv-1911.
- Piccininni M, Stensrud MJ, Shahn Z, Konigorski S. Causal inference for N-of-1 trials. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.10360. 2024 Jun 14.
- Qu K, Schmid CH, Liu T. Instrumental Variable Approach to Estimating Individual Causal Effects in N-of-1 Trials: Application to ISTOP Study. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.14019. 2023 Jun 24.
- Rohlfing I. Case studies and causal inference: An integrative framework. Palgrave Macmillan; 2012 Sep 26.
- 2013 review by Martino Maggetti:
- Runge J, Gerhardus A, Varando G, Eyring V, Camps-Valls G. Causal inference for time series. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. 2023 Jul;4(7):487-505.
- van der Laan MJ, Malenica I. Robust Estimation of Data-Dependent Causal Effects based on Observing a Single Time-Series. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00734. 2018 Sep 3.
- Vegetabile BG. On the distinction between “conditional average treatment effects” (CATE) and “individual treatment effects” (ITE) under ignorability assumptions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.04939. 2021 Aug 10.
- Wu X, Weinberger KR, Wellenius GA, Dominici F, Braun D. Assessing the causal effects of a stochastic intervention in time series data: Are heat alerts effective in preventing deaths and hospitalizations?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10478. 2021 Feb 20.
- Batley PN, Hedges LV. Accurate models vs. accurate estimates: A simulation study of Bayesian single-case experimental designs. Behavior Research Methods. 2021 Feb 11:1-7.
- Daza EJ. Causal analysis of self-tracked time series data using a counterfactual framework for N-of-1 trials. Methods of information in medicine. 2018 Feb;57(Suppl 1):e10.
- LaTeX pre-print (identical content) here
- Natesan P, Hedges LV. Bayesian unknown change-point models to investigate immediacy in single case designs. Psychological Methods. 2017 Dec;22(4):743. (pdf)
- Unified Protocol Institute
- Using connected sensor technologies to measure health at home…
- Coravos A, Doerr M, Goldsack J, Manta C, Shervey M, Woods B, Wood WA. Modernizing and designing evaluation frameworks for connected sensor technologies in medicine. npj Digital Medicine. 2020 Mar 13;3(1):1-0.
- Marra C, Chen JL, Coravos A, Stern AD. Quantifying the use of connected digital products in clinical research. npj Digital Medicine. 2020 Apr 3;3(1):1-0.
- Selker HP, Cohen T, D’Agostino RB, Dere WH, Ghaemi SN, Honig PK, Kaitin KI, Kaplan HC, Kravitz RL, Larholt K, McElwee NE. A Useful and Sustainable Role for N‐of‐1 Trials in the Healthcare Ecosystem. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2022 Aug;112(2):224-32.
- Selker HP, Dulko D, Greenblatt DJ, Palm M, Trinquart L. The use of N-of-1 trials to generate real-world evidence for optimal treatment of individuals and populations. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2023 Jan;7(1):e203.
- International Collaborative Network (ICN) for N-of-1 Clinical Trials and Single-Case Experimental Designs (SCEDs)
- Open Humans
- Open mHealth
- Quantified Self
- Sage Bionetworks
- Chen C, Haddad D, Selsky J, Hoffman JE, Kravitz RL, Estrin DE, Sim I. Making sense of mobile health data: an open architecture to improve individual-and population-level health. Journal of medical Internet research. 2012;14(4):e112.
- Beltz AM, Wright AG, Sprague BN, Molenaar PC. Bridging the nomothetic and idiographic approaches to the analysis of clinical data. Assessment. 2016 Aug;23(4):447-58.
- Matias I, Wac K. Dejà vu: Recurrent Neural Networks for health wearables data forecast. In2022 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2022 Dec 12 (pp. 1724-1731). IEEE.
- Onnela Lab at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: Beiwe Research Platform
- The AWARE Framework
- The Reproducible Analysis Pipeline for Data Streams (RAPIDS)
- The Digital Biomarker Discovery Pipeline (DBDP)
- The Learn, Assess, Manage, Prevent (LAMP) platform
- The Remote assessment of Disease And Relapse (RADAR) platform
- The Effortless Assessment Research System (EARS)
- Barnett I, Torous J, Staples P, Keshavan M, Onnela JP. Beyond smartphones and sensors: Choosing appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018 Dec;25(12):1669-74.
- Onnela JP, Rauch SL. Harnessing smartphone-based digital phenotyping to enhance behavioral and mental health. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016 Jun;41(7):1691-6.
- Molenaar PC, Valsiner J. How generalization works through the single case: A simple idiographic process analysis of an individual psychotherapy. YIS: Yearbook of idiographic science. 2009;1:23-38.….pdf#page=23
- Vieira R, McDonald S, Araújo-Soares V, Sniehotta FF, Henderson R. Dynamic modelling of n-of-1 data: powerful and flexible data analytics applied to individualised studies. Health Psychology Review. 2017 Jul 3;11(3):222-34.
- Rose T. The end of average: How to succeed in a world that values sameness. Penguin UK; 2016 Jan 28.
- Brossart DF, Laird VC, Armstrong TW. Interpreting Kendall’s Tau and Tau-U for single-case experimental designs. Cogent Psychology. 2018 Jan 1;5(1):1518687.
- Chen LT, Wu PJ, Peng CY. Accounting for baseline trends in intervention studies: Methods, effect sizes, and software. Cogent Psychology. 2019 Jan 1;6(1):1679941.
- Manolov R, Solanas A. Comparing N= 1 effect size indices in presence of autocorrelation. Behavior modification. 2008 Nov;32(6):860-75.
- Parker RI, Vannest K. An improved effect size for single-case research: Nonoverlap of all pairs. Behavior Therapy. 2009 Dec 1;40(4):357-67.
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- Tarlow KR. An improved rank correlation effect size statistic for single-case designs: Baseline corrected Tau. Behavior Modification. 2017 Jul;41(4):427-67.
- Vannest KJ, Ninci J. Evaluating intervention effects in single‐case research designs. Journal of Counseling & Development. 2015 Oct;93(4):403-11.
- Fok CC, Ramsay JO. Fitting curves with periodic and nonperiodic trends and their interactions with intensive longitudinal data. Models for intensive longitudinal data. 2006 Jan 19:109-23.
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- Whitsett DD, Shoda Y. An approach to test for individual differences in the effects of situations without using moderator variables. Journal of experimental social psychology. 2014 Jan 1;50:94-104.
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- Barnett I, Torous J, Staples P, Keshavan M, Onnela JP. Beyond smartphones and sensors: Choosing appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018 Dec;25(12):1669-74.
- Daza EJ. Person as Population: A Longitudinal View of Single-Subject Causal Inference for Analyzing Self-Tracked Health Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03423. 2019 Jan 10.
- Lum K, Dunson DB, Johndrow J. Closer than they appear: A Bayesian perspective on individual-level heterogeneity in risk assessment. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01135. 2021 Feb 1.
- Wang E, Cook D, Hyndman RJ. A new tidy data structure to support exploration and modeling of temporal data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 2019 Dec 27:1-3.
- Daza EJ. Causal analysis of self-tracked time series data using a counterfactual framework for n-of-1 trials. Methods of Information in Medicine. 2018 Feb;57(01):e10-21.
- LaTeX version (identical content with cleanly formatted notation) here
- Daza EJ, Matias I, Schneider L. Model-Twin Randomization (MoTR) for Estimating One’s Own Recurring Individual Treatment Effect. Statistics in Medicine. 2024 Oct 1 under review. (2-min explainer video here)
- Malenica I, Bibaut A, van der Laan MJ. Adaptive Sequential Design for a Single Time-Series. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.00102. 2021 Jan 29.
- Matias I, Daza EJ, Wac K. What possibly affects nighttime heart rate? Conclusions from N-of-1 observational data. Digital Health. 2022 Aug 24.
- Nagesh N, Azimi I, Andriola T, Rahmani AM, Jain R. Towards Deep Personal Lifestyle Models Using Multimodal N-of-1 Data. InInternational Conference on Multimedia Modeling 2023 Jan 9 (pp. 589-600). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Single Case Design Masked Visual Analysis (SCD-MVA) App
- Byun TM, Hitchcock ER, Ferron J. Masked visual analysis: Minimizing type I error in visually guided single-case design for communication disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 2017 Jun 10;60(6):1455-66. []
- Ferron J, Jones PK. Tests for the visual analysis of response-guided multiple-baseline data. The Journal of Experimental Education. 2006 Oct 1;75(1):66-81.
- Ferron JM, Joo SH, Levin JR. A Monte Carlo evaluation of masked visual analysis in response‐guided versus fixed‐criteria multiple‐baseline designs. Journal of applied behavior analysis. 2017 Oct;50(4):701-16.
- Ferron J, Rohrer LL, Levin JR. Randomization procedures for changing criterion designs. Behavior modification. 2019 May 12:0145445519847627.
- Moeyaert M, Bursali S, Ferron JM. SCD‐MVA: A mobile application for conducting single‐case experimental design research during the pandemic. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies. 2021 Jan;3(1):75-96.
- Ferrari P, Friedenreich C, Matthews CE. The role of measurement error in estimating levels of physical activity. American journal of epidemiology. 2007 Oct 1;166(7):832-40.
- Catellier DJ, Hannan PJ, Murray DM, Addy CL, Conway TL, Yang S, Rice JC. Imputation of missing data when measuring physical activity by accelerometry. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2005 Nov;37(11 Suppl):S555.
- Chen LT, Feng Y, Wu PJ, Peng CY. Dealing with missing data by EM in single-case studies. Behavior Research Methods. 2020 Feb;52(1):131-50.
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